Sci-Fi Story – Alienated


I slammed my bedroom door in rage. My brother and I had never gotten along but recently it was like he was trying to make my life a living nightmare! I glanced around my cluttered room, looking for anything to take out my anger. I decided on the wall, and immediately regretted it. My fist left a large indent that was sure to get in trouble for later.
“Jeremy! Dinner’s ready!” my mom screamed from downstairs.
I didn’t know if I could handle seeing my brother, Luke, but dragged myself to the table anyway. I sat as far away from him as possible, dawning the chair next to mom. I studied Luke from across the table, everything about him seemed hostile, his inhumanely sharp teeth, his dark and mischievous eyes, and his sunken cheekbones giving him an aura of death. I stared him down and he had the audacity to smirk. Right after he had nearly gotten me killed! I then glanced at my parents, both dutifully distributing grilled chicken and rice on our plates. They didn’t seem to notice the tension between their two sons as they laughed at something my father said. Dinner that night was quiet and overall uneventful, I barely touched my food. When I was finally excused, I sprang from the table and made a break for my room.
When I, at last, reached the sanctuary of my bedroom I let out a loud sigh.
“You really shouldn’t be so rude at the dinner table. Mom put a lot of work into that chicken.”
I stilled at the voice and slowly turned. Luke stood against the doorframe, plucking something out of his teeth. I swear his eyes turned red when I met his gaze, “What do you want?”
“It’s not what I want, but rather what you don’t deserve,” Luke said with malice.

“Oh yeah? And what’s that?” I asked, estimating how long it would take for me to run out the door.
“Everything. I’m tired of acting like we’re equals when you’re nothing more than a pet,” he spat a little with the last word.
Heat rose to my cheeks, “Listen, I don’t know where your god-complex came from but leave me out of it.” I motioned for him to leave.
Instead, he took a violent step forward, “Don’t you get it!” he huffed and I swear something slithered between his teeth, “It’s not about me! It’s about you!”
I took a step back, noting the distance his hands were from my throat.
He looked down at his hands and laughed, “I’m not going to kill you. What would the point in that be?”
I inched towards the door but didn’t dare take my eyes off of him. But he noticed my maneuvers and kicked the door shut.
“Are you listening to what I’m saying,” he said through gritted teeth, “You don’t belong here.” He took another step forward and poked me in the chest. We were now face to face. His eyes were void of emotion and his lips curled in a sneer. “Are you really that dense? You never wondered why people avoid you, are scared to touch you?”
I didn’t respond, only stared in fear.
His eyes flashed, “Say something!” He began shaking his head, “no, no, no, no-no,” he muttered, “I’m ending this right now.”
In an instant, I was on the floor, completely immobilized. He had me pinned with so much force I didn’t think it was possible.
I struggled, “What are you doing? Get off me!” I swatted at his face in vain.

He snickered, “Jeremy this is on you. You know, I’m not usually a liar.”
My eyes widened in understanding and he only laughed.
“Jeremy! Dishes!”
Luke’s head whipped towards my mother’s voice and I used the opportunity to buck him off. We were both on our feet in seconds. I braced myself for a second attack but it never came. Instead, Luke just stood there, smiling. Things happened so fast after that. Luke began glowing, yes glowing, a faint green. His limbs began to elongate and his fingernails sharpened into knives. I stared in disbelief as his eyes shifted to a dark red and his teeth became fangs.
I stumbled back, knocking into my dresser.
“What, what are you?” I balked.
Luke, who now had to hunch to remain standing, sneered, “What? You’ve never seen an alien before?” With that, he slashed his deadly nails. I pulled away, but not in time, leaving a long gash along my calf.
I staunched the bleeding and maneuvered further away.
“Luke! You don’t want to do this!” I cried in a loud voice hoping my parents would hear.
He stalked closer, licking his lips, “Oh, but I do.”
I could barely register what was happening as Luke slashed at me again, this time aiming for my neck. I moved just in time, missing me by less than an inch.
My mind had a hard time processing, adrenaline was the only thing keeping me going. I could see Luke preparing his final blow, one that I wouldn’t walk away from.
I begged, desperation taking over, “Luke… I’m your brother.”
He stopped at my words. For a moment I thought I saw compassion in his dark eyes but it was gone in an instant. He drew his hand back and sneered, “You were never my brother.”
He circled me, like a predator stalking its prey. Time seemed to slow down. I saw him draw his hand back. Saw him take a step forward and begin his swing. So I did the only thing I could think of. I pushed the dresser with all my strength and it came crashing down. Right on top of Luke. He howled and swatted at me but I was already out the door.
I could still hear Luke screaming as I raced down the stairs, skipping most of the steps. I slid into the living room and found my parents in a heated discussion. How could they not have heard me?
They looked up as I ran in screaming, “Luke’s gone insane! He’s a monster, like a literal monster with sharp claws and pointy teeth! Some sort of alien or something!”
My parents didn’t laugh, they didn’t even look surprised. They only looked at each other.
“Do you hear what I’m saying! He’s trying to kill me! I know it sounds ridiculous but go see for yourself!” I motioned toward the stairs.
Neither made a move to get up. My mother put her head in her hands. My father shook his head.
I was about to yell again when my mother spoke. Not to me but to my father, “We had to know this wouldn’t work. Eventually, someone would’ve snapped or he would’ve figured it out.”
My father sighed, “Yes, I suppose. It’s a shame we didn’t learn anything useful though.”
I tried to piece together what they were saying. The more I heard the less I liked.
“Mom, dad-“ I stammered looking towards my bedroom.
Neither responded. They both stood, and to my horror, they both began to transform. Just as Luke had, their limbs elongated and they took on a green tint. Their nails became claws and their teeth fangs. I could only stand there in shock. My mother shook her head and met my gaze, “Jeremy, Luke isn’t the alien. You are.”

I have just started my website and am so excited to start personalizing it. I am a middle schooler at Lincoln Lutheran and I enjoy playing sports, playing the saxaphone, and reading. I believe in God, my Lord and Saviour and really hope you do too!
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